7C's of effective business communication



In a complete message, the audience has everything they need to inform and, if applicable, take action. Provide all necessary information. Answer all the questions asked. Give something extra when desired. 


It's saying what you have to say in the fewest possible words. Use single words instead of phrases. 


Wordy:At this time-now 

Wordy:Due to the fact that-because. 

Include only relevant material. Stick to the purpose of the message. Delete irrelevant words and confusing sentences. Key points: Eliminate wordy expressions. Avoid unnecessary repetitions. Eliminate only relevant material.


 Preparing every message with the message recievers in mind, try to put yourself in their place. 

Key points: 

Focus on you instead of me and us. Show audience benefit or interest in the message. Emphasize positive and pleasant facts.


Being specific, definite and vivid rather than vague and general. Use specific facts and figures. 


Vague:Sara is a very brilliant and intelligent student. 

Concrete: Sara has increased her percentage from 86 percent to 92 percent. 


Choose precise, concrete and familiar words. Your message should be clear to the audience. Construct effective sentences and paragraphs. You should have enough knowledge. Use a common and simple language. Construct effective sentences and short paragraphs. Use concrete words. Avoid unnecessary information. 


Being aware of not only the perspective of others but also their feelings. Being sincerely faithful, thoughtful and appreciative. Use expressions that show respect. Be thoughtful and appreciative of the recievers point if view. 


Proper grammar,punctuation and spelling. Use the right level of language. Check the accuracy of figures, facts and words. 

When your communication is correct, it fits your audience and correct communication is also error free communication.


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