What is Amazon product listing?
What is amazon product listing? In Short Amazon product listing is the product page for each of the items you sell on amazon. What elements require for Amazon product listing? 1 listing content(Title, bullet points, images, description) 2 information about the product like(Brand name, price, fulfilment method, color, size, variation) 3 product id ( UPC/ EAN) 4 Access of AMZ central account( Child account). You have to implement on this Guidelines while making your listing: 1 Title (maximum 200 characters 140~160 characters recomended). 2 Bullet points: Amazon allows you to add 5 bullet points in product listing with limit of 500 characters. 3 Amazon allows you to write complete detailed description about your product in which you can utilize space of 2000 characters by adding all the information. 4 Product must be fill 85% of image. 5 Backend search terms: The total length of the search terms is limited to less than 250 bytes.